Apartment House Bordweg 5, Zollbrück (BE)
At Bordweg 5 in Zollbrück (parcel no. 645) a new apartment house was built.
With a footprint of 21.2 x 14.0 m the house includes three upper floors, a ground floor and a basement. It’s a solid construction of reinforced concrete and masonry.
A parking hall and a technical room are located in the basement. The first floor is equipped with a cellar and living rooms. Further living space is located on the upper floors. An elevator conntects each floor from the basement to the top.
The excavation pit (height = 17 m) situated on a very steep slope was secured by nailing (temporary non-tensioned anchors with shotcrete support). Moreover tension piles were required to stabilize the building.
Go Bau AG was commissioned by Christoph Ott AG from Bern with the planning and construction management for the “Zollbrück apartmenthouse” project.
Contact Go Bau AG
Peter Reinhard: peter.reinhard@gobau.ch