Small Projects Building Contaminants


Even small projects must be planned with foresight. Before the start of construction, an investigation of building contaminants has to be carried out for each retrofit and conversion of existing buildings that were constructed before 1991 and require a permit.

Go Bau carries out building contaminant investigations for every size of building project. The objects are examined for building contaminants such as asbestos, PAH, PCB, etc., taking into account the legal requirements (Waste Ordinance, VVEA). We take over the responsibility from investigation, organization, coordination and monitoring of remediation up to the control and final documentation. Due to our cooperation and experience from various projects with remediation contractors, remediation work can be awarded at short notice – or with a proper tendering procedure – if required. We accompany remediation by technical construction management and control the remediation success as an independent institution according to the recommendations of the Forum Asbestos Switzerland (FACH) and the SUVA with VDI air measurements.

Further clarifications regarding soil contamination or contaminated sites are also part of our expertise.

Contact Go Bau AG

Sirja Hukari:



Project planning
Specialist Construction Management
