Technology Cluster Zug (ZG), Subproject “Industrie- and Göblistrasse”
Trigger for this extensive infrastructure project in Industrie- and Göblistrasse was Tech Cluster Zug AG, which is planning and implementing the Multi Energy Hub (MEH-TCZ). This will provide the main site of V-Zug AG and third-party customers with heating and cooling as an energy source from the new energy center.
New supply networks are to be created to supply the MEH-TCZ and the surrounding areas. As part of the overall project, in addition to the renewal of the gas, water and electricity supply lines, the industrial road had to be adapted and repaired on the basis of the operating and design concept. Furthermore, new drainage channels hat to be constructed. As contaminated sites of the V-Zug site were also crossed in the area of the trenching work, remediation of contaminated sites had to be carried out in advance.
Demanding remediation of contaminated sites
Many plant claims
Short planning time (6 months)
From the tendering phase onwards, Go Bau AG was responsible for the preparation of the UN submission, the execution project and supervision of the work on site.
Contact Go Bau AG
Marc Reinhard: